MSCA Representatives Visit Washington D.C.

MSCA Executive Director Kaitlyn Root and MSCA President-Elect Rachel Gray travelled to Washington D.C. to meet with Minnesota’s U.S. Representatives and Senators April 16-19. 

 While in D.C., Rachel and Kaitlyn networked with fellow cattle producers from around the country and received policy updates from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association team. They also attended the annual Environmental Stewardship Award Reception to recognize exceptional land stewards. 

 Kaitlyn and Rachel discussed funding for the Foot-and-Mouth Disease vaccine bank; disaster relief programs including drought relief; support for the beef checkoff; delisting the gray wolf and updating the Endangered Species Act; strengthening the Livestock Risk Protection program; and conservation with Congressional offices. 

"This trip is what grassroots efforts is all about – we were able to bring our members' concerns to D.C. and hear from our Congressional leaders on the inner workings of policy," says Root. "It is always fun to educate policy makers on what we are seeing on the ground and to hear updates from their offices as well."

This trip highlighted the importance of bipartisan efforts – Rachel and Kaitlyn met with all 10 of Minnesota's Congressional offices while in D.C.

“It is important to put aside our differences and find common ground – working together is the only way we can get things done,” Root says.

Posted: April 23, 2024