issues & policy

The Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association prides itself in being a grassroots organization. The members create, discuss and vote on policy for the association, which leadership and staff then use when communicating with legislators and organizations.  


Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association is committed to defending beef for generations to come. The MSCA strives to protect and promote our way of life as farmers, ranchers and members of the industry. We work at the state, local and national level on public policy and advocacy that directly affects the beef production industry. The MSCA collaborates with other organizations at the national, state and local levels to defend farmers and ranchers in Minnesota. 


 To find updates on current issues that affect the beef industry on a national level, click here. 

 For information on Minnesota including specific bills, or contact for your local representative, click here.

MSCA Political action committee

The Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association Political Action Committee (PAC) raises and distributes funds to advocate political goals of our members.

Interested in donating towards the MSCA-PAC?

Checks can be made out to MSCA-PAC & mailed to:

MSCA - PO Box 12 Maple Plain, MN 55359